In the meantime, though, it's important to proceed, even though my Italian is riddled with errors. The fact is that, even with all the mistakes, most of my correspondents have very little trouble getting the gist of my message, so we are therefore communicating. And it's rare that I can't decipher most of the messages that Italians have written to me in English, though there have been a few cases in which the meaning was not at all clear and I could only guess. But the main thing is that it is crucial not to demand perfection and to continue to make regular attempts to communicate with natives--even if it's embarrassing at times. I'm always proud and amazed at how brave and hardworking my Italian penpals are. They know they're probably making mistakes, but they try anyhow. E questo è bene.
One of the best things a language penpal can do is encourage her writing partner. Learning a language can be a very frustrating endeavor and it always gives me impetus and courage when someone tells me my Italian is pretty good--even if they are just being kind. It's very easy to just throw in the towel (asciugamano) when you feel your progress is slow, so it's important to look for positive feedback whenever you can. So, I'm encouraging all you Italian learners now. È possibile farlo! You can do it. If I can, then you can too.
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